Idea prototype engineering & Provisional Patent Application (USPTO PPA) help, Long Island-New York
Failing in the middle of an inventing process is the worst fear of investors and it would be a shame really if, the reasons were so obvious and could have been avoided. If you have already invented and successfully developed a prototype on your own, patented it, mass produced, distributed, sold and profited from your idea, than if you have a new idea again now, you must be very hesitant to do it all over again on your own. This time around for sure, your would rather be more eager to seek the help and assistance of an idea into new product design and development engineering company like us here in New York, for you already know the risks involved in realistically turning an idea into reality.
You must immediately protect your idea before thinking of anything else. Legally, obtaining a Patent from the USPTO ( United States Patent and Trademark Office) is your ultimate goal to protecting your Intellectual Property. It’s not that easy as just filing it though for when you do this own your own, once you try to apply for a regular patent, you’d be asked a lot of documentations and would have to go through a rigid process. As a professional and experienced idea into prototype engineering company and experts in USPTO Patents applications, we can cost effectively design and develop your prototype and successfully turn your idea into reality. Should you hire us now, we will immediately sign a full None Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with you.
Remember and be advised to never unnecessarily tell anyone about your idea, specially companies you inquire with unless, they sign a NDA with you because your idea can easily be stolen from you. Partner or deal only with trusted, reliable, recommended and scrupulous engineering firms here in NYC like us, who will be 100% committed to realistically turning your idea into a quality and successful future proofed competitive end product. Your inventing process will not be easy and will definitely be much harder if you will be guessing every next step.
After engaging our Patent and Engineering services to develop and prototype your idea, we will immediately initiate the process of legally protecting your Intellectual Property (IP) and validating it. As soon as possible, we will file your Provisional Patent Application (PPA), which is less expensive and requires less formalities and documentations compared to a Non-Provisional Patent. A PPA establishes your IP’s earlier filing date and is valid for only 12 months, which gives you ample time to validate your idea and work on designing and developing your first rapid industrial prototype.
Your idea’s validation is equally important as immediately protecting it and better done before fully committing to the prototyping process, because your idea’s validation will help you decide if it’s worth it, to turn your idea into reality after all. There are many necessary steps to be done to validate your idea but critically the 3 most important of them are:
1. Performing a thorough Patent Research with the USPTO – It is said that, just because you haven’t heard of it, it doesn’t exist. Likewise with your idea, you must verify for sure that yours is unique to avoid any future infringement lawsuits. Doing so before spending too much time and money and later finding out you can’t own your idea will mean, losing or wasting all your efforts and money. Hiring us, with our almost three decades of expertise and experience, will ensure your confidence of avoiding any infringement of registered patents.
2. Conducting an extensive Feasibility Study – This process is also important to make you decide the worthwhile of turning your idea into reality because your successful feasibility study will better inform you if you have a market to sell your end product to. The tests data you garner from this process will also assist us your new product designer engineers to mold and develop your prototype into the liking and needs of your end consumers.
3. NPD Design, Mass Production Costs and Shelf Pricing – If you successfully did create your final end product from your idea, no matter what the quality and how perfect it is, it will be useless if you realize you can’t sell it cheaply because your mass production is too expensive. Hiring expert idea into new product engineers like us will ensure, we cost effectively develop your idea’s prototype. With our decades of NPD experience, we are able to spot on identify the best and most suitable raw materials to match the latest modern designs for your end product. We will always put your 100% profitability all the time without compromising quality and usability, thereby ensuring your end product will be competitively priced once it hits the consumer market.
Don’t waste your idea. Hire us now and let us start working with you and guide you through all the essential steps to protect your idea, validate it and realistically produce your first industrial prototype. CONTACT US!