Best affordable industrial prototyping engineering services New York
Hiring the expert idea into new product engineering services of a company like us, specially with decades of invaluable successful new product development (NPD) experience, will ensure your 100% end product profitable success. Having researched online finding the best engineers with affordable services would surely be a daunting tasks because the inventing process is in reality not cheap at all. If you hire us, we will effectively work within your budget and time frame and guarantee to realistically turn your idea into reality!

We are based in Long Island, NY and was established in the early 1990’s with a one stop shop turning ideas into reality. Like many of our loyal old clients since we opened business decades ago, who are still with us and mostly whom are not based in New York, you can be located anywhere in the United States and still cost effectively work with us just as if you are just next door to us. Why it is better to hire a professional idea into new product engineering firm like us is, you won’t have to guess every next step where, any mistakes can mean loss of time and even waste of unnecessary money. With our help, we can help legally protect your intellectual property and professionally validate your idea.
If you hire us now, we will immediately help you to legally protect your idea with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) by assisting in registering your Provisional Patent Application (PPA ). But before we work with you and discuss any details about your idea, we will immediately sign a full None Disclosure Agreement with you. Remember, always protect your idea and don’t unnecessarily tell anyone about it for it can be stolen from you and waste time to prove your original ownership of your intellectual property with the USPTO.

A PPA is just valid for twelve months but, it will give you ample legal protection for your idea and time to start development and design of your prototype. However, unlike a Regular Patent Application or Non Provisional Patent Application (NPPA ), a PPA will not mature into a patent. Because a PPA requires lesser documentation and formalities and is also cheaper, it is the most often filed by inventors to establish their idea’s earlier filing date.
Validating your idea from the beginning alongside with the process of protecting your idea is smart for it will better guide you on the viability of your idea’s end product success. Your idea’s validation are a lot of necessary processes that will benefit your prototype’s design and development through feasibility studies and also establish the fact that your idea is unique by performing a Patent Research with the USPTO. Patent Infringement Lawsuits are very expensive and would make you lose all your hard word and spent money as well if your idea breaches someone else’s registered patent. The help of an experienced idea into new product company like us will ensure your idea is properly and expertly validated for smooth flow of your inventing process from beginning til end. Hire us now and let us start professionally turning your idea into reality, Contact Us!