Best industrial design (engineering services) PPA company NY


Affordable PPA provisional patent application and Industrial prototype design development engineering services firm New York

Hiring the right idea into new product engineering partner to help you in your idea’s inventing process will be a daunting task here in New York for there are so many companies like us to choose from.  What would best make you decide to choose us is, our reputation we have gained over the last 3 decades as one of the most affordable and trusted NPD (new product development) and design engineering here in the United States.  If you hire us, we’d make sure your idea realistically becomes a successful and very profitable end product with no guessing of every next steps.

If you are new to the inventing process of a new idea, hiring an idea into new product design and engineering company like us will be, very beneficial to you for we can professionally and cost effectively guide you through all the necessary processes of turning your idea into reality.  Hire us and like what any responsible NPD should do, we’ll immediately sign a none disclosure agreement with you before we  discuss your ideas.  Protecting your intellectual property is crucial and should be done from the very beginning and we’ll proceed to file and register your Provisional Patent Application with the USPTO as soon as possible.

A PPA is the most preferred choice to file first, although it won’t actually mature to a patent for the obvious reasons that, it is way cheaper and requires less documentations compared to a regular patent filing.  Valid for 12 years, a PPA will give your intellectual property ample legal protection and you may make good use of this time of its validity to, develop your prototype and validate your idea.  Like how important protecting your idea is, validating your idea is also very crucial to be done in the start for it will properly guide you to decide if developing and turning your idea into reality, is worthwhile at all.

There are many steps to validate your  idea and the following 3 steps are given to just point out the most important:

  1. Perform a thorough and extensive Patent Research with the USPTO to effectively avoid any future legal obstacles by determining your idea is really unique and without similarities.
  2. Do a comprehensive Feasibility Study to know and research your market, have your prototype tested by your end consumers and from this data garnered, learn if you can really make a profit and if it’s really worthwhile to turn your idea into reality.  Your study will be beneficial to us, your  new product design and engineering in perfecting your prototype’s design and functions flaws.
  3. Determine your estimated budget and Planning costs for it is better to know, if your cash flow is enough or if you’d need a financial partner to work with you.

Don’t waste your idea, hiring an expert and experience NPD firm like us will ensure smooth flow of your inventing process from idea conception to finished future proofed end product.  Hire us and make us help realistically turn your idea into a reality, CONTACT US!

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